Welcome to our e-magazine's special edition on Gender and Sexuality. As HKUST students, we understand how tunnel-visioned we can get with academics. With that being said, we hope this collection of articles allows you to take a step away from that and reflect on how issues in LGBTQ+rights, Gender-based Violence, and Toxic Femininity and Masculinity are deeply intertwined with our everyday lives on campus. Our collection of articles aims to inspire discussions, promote understanding, and foster a more inclusive and respectful campus environment. Join us as we explore these crucial topics and and their impact on individuals and communities.
We begin by first examining the effects of Toxic Masculinity, particularly its impact on mental health and gender binaries. In line with this, we will then discuss Toxic Femininity, focusing on ways it spreads and methods we can take to prevent the perpetuation of gender norms. Then, we will probe into the phenomenon of gender-based violence on social media platforms, fueled by toxic masculinity and toxic femininity, as well as its impacts on the survivors. After that, we will evaluate the current living environment forLGBTQ+ community and their human rights.
Finally, thank you for your support towards our e-magazine. We hope that through reflection, we can help you contribute to building an even better culture on campus.